File upload to Azure Blog Storage through ASP.NET Core middleware

In my previous article we discussed the different options to implement file upload for cloud applications. In this article I want to provide you an example of how to implement a file upload through a middleware.: Example: File Upload to Azure Blog Storage using Angular and ASP.NET Core We will scaffold our application using the… Continue reading File upload to Azure Blog Storage through ASP.NET Core middleware

File upload in Cloud Applications: The Options

Almost every web application requires some form of file upload.  You may want to allow a user to upload a profile picture or to import any kind of data. Multiple ways to implement the file upload Depending on the size of the files and the regularity of the upload you have two options to implement… Continue reading File upload in Cloud Applications: The Options

Angular 6 application hosted on Azure Storage Static website

A few days ago Microsoft announced a new public preview feature for Azure Storage called Static website. It enables you to host a static web app using Azure Storage which is multiple times cheaper than a traditional required Web App. Reason enough to give it a try. Create a Storage account To use the Static… Continue reading Angular 6 application hosted on Azure Storage Static website

Rename Azure Storage Blob using PowerShell


At the time of writing this, there is no API to rename an Azure Storage blob in one operation. You have to copy the blob and delete the original one after the copy process completes. You can vote for the feature here: Rename blobs without needing to copy them Until then you can use my convenience Rename-AzureStorageBlob… Continue reading Rename Azure Storage Blob using PowerShell