Serving a HTML Page from Azure PowerShell Function


The new PowerShell language (experimental) support in Azure Function is really handy. Especially if you want to use the Azure PowerShell cmdlets to retrieve any kind of Azure Resources and display them in a HTML page. Hosting the cmdlet in Azure Function eliminates the need for a local installed Azure PowerShell module. Here is a simple… Continue reading Serving a HTML Page from Azure PowerShell Function

Configure Azure Cloud Shell to use a profile hosted on GitHub


You may have noticed that you can run the Azure Cloud Shell without the portal as a separate component on The shell is really handy since it can be used from everywhere. Today I want to show you how you can load a remote profile that is hosted on GitHub in the Azure Cloud Shell.… Continue reading Configure Azure Cloud Shell to use a profile hosted on GitHub

Rename Azure Storage Blob using PowerShell


At the time of writing this, there is no API to rename an Azure Storage blob in one operation. You have to copy the blob and delete the original one after the copy process completes. You can vote for the feature here: Rename blobs without needing to copy them Until then you can use my convenience Rename-AzureStorageBlob… Continue reading Rename Azure Storage Blob using PowerShell